Silverado Consulting Inc ~ Stuart's Technical Blog

Technology is wonderful...when it works

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VPNs in XP Mode

May 18, 2012

Challenges using a VPN with XP Mode Virtual PC running under Windows 7

CommunigatePro TLS Fails

March 12, 2012

Email server fails to establish TLS connection


More recommendations

Windows Maximum Network Filter Limit

Norton Internet Security Error 5022,2

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Error 0x8004a029 or 0x80004005

Missing Oracle VirtualBox Network Bridge Adapter

Cisco VPN Client Error 27850

When clicking on Norton Internet Security => Settings => Network => Smart Firewall => Trust Control, you get an error stating that the Network Security Map cannot be initialized. The error code is 5022,2.

Other symptoms are failure to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or the Cisco VPN Client, or a missing Bridge Adapter in Oracle VirtualBox.

The problem is the maximum number of network filters that Windows allows. By default, only 8 filters are allowed, despite the fact that up to 14 are allowed. You can easily use more than 8 filters if you have firewall and VPN software installed.

To fix the problem, change the registry setting for MaxNumFilters to 14:

NOTE!  Most Symantec/Norton support people will try to get you to uninstall and reinstall Norton.  That is NOT necessary if you follow the above steps!