Bullards Bar Reservoir Camping Trip, June 2009

Kaben jumping the wake at sunset
Kaben jumping the wake at sunset

Kaben jumping the wake early morning
Kaben jumping the wake early morning

Susie the boat captain (she bow-washed me good)
Susie the boat captain

Mark does a grab
Mark does a wakeboard grab

Mark doing a scarecrow
Mark doing a wakeboard scarecrow

Mark doing an invert
Mark doing a wakeboard invert

Susie jumping the wake
Susie jumping the wake on wakeboard

Susie carving the wake
Susie carving the wake

Susie does a grab
Susie does a wakeboard grab

Brittney catching air
Brittney catching air on wakeboard

Brittney jumping the wake
Brittney jumping the wake on wakeboard

Mark wake surfing (that's my boat chasing him)
Mark wake surfing

Greg wake surfing
Greg wake surfing

Mark and Susie, matching helmet heads
Mark and Susie, matching helmet heads

Brittney the supermodel
Brittney the supermodel

Nancy hanging out on the boat
Nancy hanging out on the boat

Mark's boat
Mark's boat

Mark, Greg, Darlene
Mark, Greg, Darlene

Kristin, Susie, and Nancy. Teresa and Chris in the background
Kristin, Susie, Nancy

Monday morning glass at Bullards Bar
Monday morning glass at Bullards Bar

All photos by Stuart Palmer

Mark wake surfing
Video by Stuart Palmer

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